Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday, October 3

Our morning work task today:
Choose and solve one of the following in as many ways as you can.  Make sure to check your answer.  

Mark collects keychains and wants to hang them in rows of 12.  He has 643 keychains in his collection.  How many rows of keychains will he have?  Will there be any keychains left over?  If so, how many?

A toy factory packages 36 video games in each case.  They make 4529 games each day.  How many cases will they need to package the video games?  Will there be any video games left over at the end of the day?  If so, how many?

In math, students worked in small groups to solve the following problem:

How tall is a stack of 1 000 pennies?  

Your group has been given a bag with between 50 and 60 pennies.  You may use some or all of the pennies in your bag to solve the problem.  Please record your answer in a sentence and make sure you show your thinking and explain the steps you used to find the solution.

We continued with Ugly.  Robert grew up in the 1970's and was called many nicknames throughout his time in elementary school.  Today we read his top ten list: Toothpick Legs, Flat Nose, Pinocchio, Go-Go-Gadget Rob, Ugly Face, Retard, Transformer, Stumpy, Cripple, Toe Nose.  These names affected Robert in different ways.  We reacted quite strongly to some of these names and could understand why they would be hurtful.  He shared his thoughts on each name including the: Origin, Originality, Hurt Factor, Laugh Factor and How he got over the name.  We learned Toe Nose is the name that was the most hurtful and the one name that has never ever got over.  We talked about how our words or the name we call someone may be the one thing that stays with them until they are an adult and will be something that they never really get over.  It is important to always be kind with our words and our actions.

In partners, we read one of two more articles related to e-scooters in Calgary.  Each group shared highlights from their article with the other half of the class.

We are reading articles as we will be writing our own newspaper articles this year.  Also, the articles that we have read this week deal with local issues or services in Calgary and relate to our municipal government which we will be learning about this year.

We finished our day learning about Sketchnoting.

Here is some of our practice work from today.

- We are still waiting for a couple Friday Journals to be returned
- Bring in leaves to add to our pile for composting
- ADmazing coupon book orders are due Monday, October 7! $10.50 from each book sold by individual students will go towards reducing your cost of Outdoor School in the spring.  
- PD Day Fri. Oct. 11- No school for students
- Thanksgiving Mon. Oct. 14- No school for students

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Thursday, March 19

Hello Grade 6 Students and Families, We continue to think of you during this time and hope you are well during a change of routine wher...