Eli sold three 1.365-L bottles of maple syrup to raise money for his school.
a) Did Eli sell more or less than 4 L of syrup? How much more or less? Explain how you know.
b) Eli sold each bottle of syrup for $34.39. How much money did he raise?
We read a story, watched a couple short videos and had a large group discussion around Remembrance Day. We discussed what veterans and soldiers had to say with their words and actions. We each wrote a letter to a veteran with what we would say to them in appreciation for what they did and the sacrifices they made so we can have a better life.
We did the first step in a poppy art project. Step two will come tomorrow.
We learned a new math game that involves comparing decimal numbers.
- Return Friday Journal
- Return field trip forms ASAP. The preferred method of payment for the $6 is through your child's My CBE Account.
- Remembrance Day Assembly Friday, November 8 at 10:45. Parents are welcome to join us.
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