Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tuesday, January 14

BWS Yearbooks
Bridlewood School is very fortunate this year as one of our parents, who is a photographer and graphic artist/web designer, has generously volunteered her talent and time to create our yearbook. So many thanks to Melinda Gombert for this.  Melinda has just finished designing the cover for the yearbook. 

If you haven’t purchased a yearbook yet and would like to do so, you can do through accessing your fees online (MyCBE/PowerSchool account).  You will need to go to the Goods/Services tab to locate the optional fees, double click the yearbook line, the fee will then attach to your account, or return this invoice indicating that you wish to purchase the year book and the fee will be added to your account from the school office.

Invoices will be sent home tomorrow.

Deadline for purchase is February 28, 2020.

We completed a concept card on multiples, common multiples and least common multiples.  We discovered today that:
- multiples for even numbers are all even 
- multiples for odd numbers are odd, even, odd, even ...

We read an article about a teen who recently discovered a planet during an internship at NASA.  As we were reading, we annotated the article using 


We began some planet research.  Before looking at specific planets, students are answering the questions:

  • What is a planet?
  • Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?
  • Describe the two main types of planets.
  • Describe the two different ways planets move.
From there, students are researching one inner and one outer planet.  They will then be grouped to share their information with peers who have researched the other planets.

We finished the day with the two songs below.  They contain many of the concepts we have been learning about recently.

  • Return Friday Journal
  • Return white report card envelope.  The contents in the envelope are yours to keep.
  • Return blue assessment folder
  • Mandatory Outdoor School parent meeting Thursday, January 23 from 6-7 pm.  See blog posts from last week for more details.
  • The fee for Outdoor School has been attached to students.  Adjustments to those students who raised some money towards their account from the sale of the ADmazing coupon books have been made.

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Thursday, March 19

Hello Grade 6 Students and Families, We continue to think of you during this time and hope you are well during a change of routine wher...