Our morning math task today was:
China is the most populated country in the world. In 2018, it had an estimated population of one billion four hundred fifteen million forty-five thousand nine hundred twenty eight.
Write this number in standard form and in expanded form.
In music we were using the xylophones. In gym we played Bench Ball.
In our creative journals, we each wrote 10 things that make us happy. Some student ideas were:
- hanging out with friends
- taking a vacation to somewhere warm
- seeing my puppy at the end of the day
- playing in the snow
- watching the sunset
To go with our book, "Say Something", the portraits we finished last week, we each wrote something that we want to say. What we have to say along with our portraits will be on display for you to see at our Open House this Thursday.
In math, we reviewed and practiced the partial product multiplication strategy.
After looking at the shape of some trees in the school yard, we sketched three trees (1 deciduous and 2 coniferous) in our creative journals. We will add information related to the layers of a forest and what is found in the different layers soon.
- Immunizations will take place tomorrow for those that need them. Please make sure you have a good breakfast tomorrow.
- Open House- Thursday, September 19 from 4:30 - 6
- No school for students Friday, September 20 (PD Day)
- Sell ADmazing coupon books! $10.50 from each book sold by individual students will go towards reducing their cost of Outdoor School in the spring
- We are in need of parent volunteers for our Dare to Care 'Take the Time' day on Monday, September 30. If you have a valid security clearance and are able to volunteer, please email Ms. Steeves (npsteeves@cbe.ab.ca)
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