In math, we continued with the penny problem we started last week. Some students had solved the 1000 pennies and were working on numbers such as 1742.
We are working at explaining our mathematical thinking and the steps we took to solve a problem in words. We are also working at students not erasing their work if they change their thinking, strategy or make an error. Students are encouraged to write 'oops' if they make a mistake and note what their error was and they can write abandon if they are abandoning a strategy they are using and include the reason why they are changing their strategy.
Some students shared the strategies they used to solve the initial problem and then we had the chance to determine how tall a stack of 1000 dimes or quarters would be individually.
In social, we began our look at democracy. We talked about what we think we know about governments, why we need rules and who makes the decisions. We began to discuss the different types of governments and some of the democratic principles in Canada.
We learned to draw people (peeps) today for our Sketchnotes. We will be putting our Sketchnoting skills to use very soon.
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- School picture orders due Oct. 11. Orders can be made online or brought to the school
- No school for students Friday, Oct. 11 (PD Day) or Monday, Oct. 14 (Thanksgiving)
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