We are very excited to be taking our grade 6 students to Outdoor School at Camp Chief Hector from March 9-12, 2020. The students will spend 4 days and 3 nights participating in the ECOSchool program. The program aims to develop environmental awareness and community building in an outdoor setting for students in grade 6.
In preparation for this learning experience, we are pleased to welcome Chris Schmid from Camp Chief Hector to a Parent Information evening at Bridlewood on Thursday, January 23rd from 6 - 7 pm in the school gymnasium.
This is a mandatory meeting that we require at least one parent to attend as we must ensure we provide an opportunity for parents to receive all relevant information and have any questions or concerns addressed. We will have you sign in and then provide you with an information package for you to take with you to prepare for this exciting learning opportunity.
Grade 6 Team
Our day started with a review of what we have done and learned in math this week relating to multiples, factors and prime and composite numbers.
We had music with Mrs. Fatica using the bar instruments (bass, soprano, alto and glockenspiel).
Our Friday journals are coming home. Students had 30 minutes of writing time. Please return them on Monday.
As we had snack, we watched a portion of the NASA astronaut graduation ceremony. It was great to see that 6 of the 13 graduates were female. Also, 2 of the graduates were from the Canadian Space Agency. One graduate is from Calgary and another is from another part of Alberta. In the future, these astronauts may be making trips to the ISS (International Space Station, hte moon or eventually Mars.
We continued our Reasons for the Seasons page in our creative journal where we have added many new vocabulary terms and concepts.
Our day finished with Thank You Friday. It is great to see students taking note of how their peers are contributing to a positive learning community. It is evident through their thoughtful 'thank yous’.
- Report cards are coming home today. Please sign the white envelope and return it on Monday. The contents of the envelope are yours to keep.
- Outdoor School parent meeting Thursday, January 23 at 6 pm
- Return your Friday Journals on Monday
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