Thursday, January 9, 2020

Thursday, January 9

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

We are very excited to be taking our grade 6 students to Outdoor School at Camp Chief Hector from March 9-12, 2020. The students will spend 4 days and 3 nights participating in the ECOSchool program.  The program aims to develop environmental awareness and community building in an outdoor setting for students in grade 6.  

In preparation for this learning experience, we are pleased to welcome Chris Schmid from Camp Chief Hector to a Parent Information evening at Bridlewood on Thursday, January 23rd from 6 - 7 pm in the school gymnasium.

This is a mandatory meeting that we require at least one parent to attend as we must ensure we provide an opportunity for parents to receive all relevant information and have any questions or concerns addressed.  We will have you sign in and then provide you with an information package for you to take with you to prepare for this exciting learning opportunity.  

Grade 6 Team 

Instead of a morning math task, we continued with our circles work from yesterday.  Students were very engaged and kept asking to keep going.  In fact, with the exception of music, we worked on math almost all morning.

Along with determining the colours of the circles, we needed to find all of the equations that related to a number that allowed us to determine the colours.  For example, for 24- 1 x 24, 2 x 12, 3 x 8, 4 x 6 and the colours for 24 would be 3 orange and 1 green.  We were able to accurately determine the colours for all of the numbers to 50 and several groups extended the work to 60.

Below you can see a summary of our work and what we have learned including new vocabulary terms- factors, prime, composite, multiples.  We also figured out that 1 is a special number as it has only 1 factor, 1, meaning that it is not a prime or composite number.

We went back to the work we did with the globe and flashlights and the reasons that we have seasons.  We watched the videos below and began a page in our creative journals.

Our day finished with the other grade 6 classes as we completed our intro to Sky Science.

- Return your blue assessment folder if you haven't already done so

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Thursday, March 19

Hello Grade 6 Students and Families, We continue to think of you during this time and hope you are well during a change of routine wher...