In partners we read an article from today's Calgary Herald.
Our task was to read the article and annotate our thinking rather than just highlighting what we thought was important.

Prior to reading the article, we discussed the purpose of a headline - quickly and briefly draw attention the reader's attention to the article. Ms. Steeves had removed the headline from the article so we needed to decide on an appropriate headline with our partner. Here are some headlines that we came up with:
- Tweet from ISS shows significant difference in Calgary
- Calgary's lights from space
- Pictures from the ISS
- NASA astronaut tweets from space
- Astronauts snap pictures of Calgary for over 7 years
- Tweets from ISS
- Photo taken 7years ago lacks portion of ring road
The original headline for the article is "Smile! Calgary shines in space pic". The sub headline was, "NASA astronaut Meir tweets photo from International Space Station. It is interesting the headline for the same article online was, "Hello, Calgary! Astronaut tweets photo from International Space Station".
We continued our work with the coloured circles. After reviewing what we had discovered yesterday about why the circles are the colours that they are, we were challenged to use this knowledge to determine what colours circles 21 to 50 would be. It is great to see the groups recording their thinking in so many different ways. We will take this work up as a large group tomorrow to see if we have correctly determined the colours of the circles.
We continued our work with the coloured circles. After reviewing what we had discovered yesterday about why the circles are the colours that they are, we were challenged to use this knowledge to determine what colours circles 21 to 50 would be. It is great to see the groups recording their thinking in so many different ways. We will take this work up as a large group tomorrow to see if we have correctly determined the colours of the circles.
We continued our intro to our Sky Science unit with the other grade 6 classes to finish the day.
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