Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, September 18

We made concept cards on partial product and standard multiplication.  Students now have 3 strategies that they can choose to use.  We talked about using another strategy to check our work once we are finished or choosing a different strategy if one isn't working in a certain situation. 

For our morning work today, students selected the strategy that works best for them.

Patrol training happened this morning.  There will be a meeting and additional followup training tomorrow at lunch.

We learned a new math game, Tandems.

In Science, we added information about the layers of the forest (canopy, understory, herb/shrubbery, forest floor) to the tree sketches we completed earlier this week.

- Bring in some leaves that have fallen to the ground (do not pick them off the trees)
- Return your Friday Journal if you haven't done so already
- Open House tomorrow from 4:30 - 6
- Patrol meeting at lunch tomorrow
- No school for students Friday, September 20 (PD Day)
- Sell ADmazing coupon books! $10.50 from each book sold by individual students will go towards reducing their cost of Outdoor School in the spring
- We are in need of parent volunteers for our Dare to Care 'Take the Time' day on Monday, September 30.  If you have a valid security clearance and are able to volunteer, please email Ms. Steeves (

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Thursday, March 19

Hello Grade 6 Students and Families, We continue to think of you during this time and hope you are well during a change of routine wher...